URGENT: Manor Adventure

Please can we ask parents/carers of those attending Manor Adventure to log onto ParentPay to complete payments for this residential visit.

All payments must be made by Friday 31st March.

Thank you for your support.

Y3/4 Tournament Winners

One of our teams on Friday won the morning tournament of the Y3/4 tournament! This means that we will go to AFC Telford’s ground New Bucks Head for the grand final against the winners of the afternoon tournament on Thursday 4th May.

More details will be given once we have them, but it promises to be an exciting evening for our boys playing in a real football stadium.

4J Really Enjoyed Their P.E. Lesson at Burton Borough School

The children thoroughly enjoyed participating in student lead sports this afternoon at Burton Borough School.

Yr 4 Beech’s Base Visit

A collection of pictures from Yr 4’s recent visit to Beech’s Base with Mr Leonard.

Manor Adventure – Kit List

As Manor Adventure is fast approaching and with Easter just around the corner, now is a good time to start thinking about our residential.

Via ParentPay we have already received the documents required for medical and dietary needs and I have passed these on to the centre. If there are any changed to this please let me know ASAP.

Please find attached a suggested kit list for Manor Adventure. May I suggest the older the clothes the better and NO jeans/denim – it also suggests a camera but this is also a NO, as each member of the NJS staff will be taking and uploading photos during our stay. Everything else on the kit list is required

if you need any further assistance please contact me.


Kit List – kit list

Kindest regards

Mr M

4M and 4J

4M and 4J have come together today to complete their own Coat of Arms. This is something both classes have spent all day researching, designing and creating their  own shields.

We can’t wait to see the finished shields once they have dried.