4J Science Experiment

We have been collecting snow & we have weighed the snow. We are experimenting to see how long it will take to turn into a liquid.

Year 4 Boys Gymnastics

The year 4 boys enjoyed using the gymnastics apparatus in the hall this morning, whilst the girls took part in football.Well done boys 😀

4P at Beech’s Base 17.2.23

4P have had a great time testing out their D&T projects- ‘creating shelters’.

They designed, built and tested their effectiveness whilst having lots of fun and laughter too!

Have a great half term,

4P team

4P Beech’s Base tomorrow…

4P will have the opportunity to visit Beech’s Base tomorrow.

If they are able to come in their outdoor clothes we would really appreciate this.

If you have any cardboard boxes, foil recycling or plastic bottles please bring them in as 4P will be completing their DT project in Beech’s Base.

Thank your for your support.

4M Shelters

4M had an absolutely top day making our shelters today. Here is a selection of pictures showing our learning across the day. It was fantastic to make a finished shelter after so much planning and preparation. The class loved doing it. Thank you to all those who bought in some materials for our shelter models today. On a personal level, Miss Willington and Mrs Dunscombe are a dabber hand than me with a glue gun!