Tomorrow’s cross country race is in Telford Town Park. Like last week, the first race is at 4.30pm.

Children will be released from class at 3 o’clock and can be collected from the school office once they have got changed.

Like last week, when you arrive at the town park, look for the NJS flag. Myself and Miss Payne will be there as soon as we are able to leave school, and Mr L and Mr M will follow once they get back from the Year 4 residential.

Please remember warm layers, a snack and a drink.

Miss H


This week for homework, they children will be looking at subtraction which may include exchanging. We have gone over the method again with the children as this is a refresh. At the bottom of the page is some handwriting to complete.

Alongside this, they will have times tables rock stars homework set from Monday. They will need to read to an adult at least 3 times and a new set of spellings can be found below.

Have a great weekend!

P.S – A quick reminder for any children on the residential. Please bring them to the hall at normal time on Monday morning. Any children not going, they will be based in 4P for the three days.


Spellings Wk 12


This week for homework the children will have spellings, which you will find below. They will need to read to an adult at least three times during the week and will be set new time tables homework from Monday.

In addition to this, the children will have fractions homework. The children need to add and subtract fractions to find the missing parts of the pyramid.

We have gone over how to complete the pyramids in class today so the children should know what they need to do.

Homework is due in Monday 18th or Tuesday 19th of March. The spelling test will be Friday 22nd March.

Have a lovely weekend!

Spellings Wk 10