Year 4 Homework: Friday 27th – Wednesday 8th November

– Please find this weeks Spelling/Handwriting below. This alongside their multiplication practice will be in their homework books. The children will also be required to read to an adult at least three times.
There ongoing homework can also be found in their homework books.

– Details of the Town Councils Christmas Card competition is also attached. If you would like to enter this, we can help deliver them to the Council, however this is a job for home! These now need to be taken directly to the town council by the closing date.
Newport Christmas Card Competition Rules

– As you have seen from Mrs Ollerenshaw’ s post we are entering the BBC 500 words competition and the children have been working hard on their stories. However children need to enter from home! Coming home with the children are copies of their stories, which we have been working on in English this week, which will need typing up and entering directly onto the BBC 500 webpage following the link below:
4M – Children have come home with their stories and planning for typing up and uploading – if you would like to also email copies of the stories to me, I can also add them to the children’s English books (

We hope you all have a lovely half term break

Kindest regards

Team Year 4

4OP Movie Afternoon

4OP are feeling very happy and have settled down to a movie afternoon.  A well deserved treat after a very busy and successful half term.


4OP French Singing

4OP showed their linguistic ability when they sang a French Greetings Song. They even managed to sing the song in a round!



BBC 500 Words Competition!

As you may have seen on the NJS website, we are hoping to enter as many children as possible into the BBC 500 words competition!

At some point, the children will plan and create their own individual story that they would like to enter. All the ideas are original and we spent some time developing the main character and then mapping out the stories! All children can enter the competition however, we need your help!

Below you will find the link to the website and the instructions from the BBC on how to enter! To help with this, we will be copying the story for the children to bring home so they can be entered. 

We wish all the children the best of luck! They certainly have been creative and should be very proud of themselves!


The Year 4 Team!

Link to enter:

Instructions from BBC: 

Violin – Lesson 6!

4OP have completed the 6th lesson on the violin! They have done so well during the first 5 sessions. Now they are moving onto reading music notes and playing with the correct beats in a bar.


Over half term, we have set up a battle between the boys and girls in 4OP!

This will begin on Friday 27th October and finishes Monday 6th November!

Certificates will be given to the most valuable team players.

Who will be victorious?

Good luck!


Year 4 Dare Reminders 23rd – 27th October

Reminders of things happening for Yr 4 Children:

Monday – 4M Art shirts for painting.

Tuesday – 4OP PE kits
– Year 4 Parents Meetings am – phone calls or teams, pm – In the school hall.

Wednesday – HOMEWORK DUE IN. Please bring in your homework book by Wednesday morning.
– LIBRARY. Children will have the opportunity to borrow or exchange a school library books.
– 4N PE kit.

Thursday – 4M PE Kit

Friday – PTA Movie afternoon £1; £1 for sweets (£2 total)
– Finish for 1/2 Term at 3.15pm