4M Wednesday

Could all 4M children come into school on Wednesday in an old t-shirt or apron for Art on Wednesday. If at all possible, please could the children also bring in any old newspapers to cover the tables. We have some but not much!

Thanks! Mr Marsh

Y4 Shropshire Cricket

Please could all Y4 children come in wearing their PE Kits on Tuesday 18th July. All children will be taking part in a cricket workshop delivered by Mr Marsh and Cricket Shropshire.

4P cooking Chapatis!

4P made Chapatis today as part of our Beliefs and Values unit.

We had lots of fun making them and enjoyed eating them even more!

Follow the link to see!

Year 4 Children Have Made Chapatis

Year 4 have enjoyed making Chapatis as part of their topic focusing on Hinduism in Beliefs & Values. Well done children.

4M Beech’s Base and Raising Aspirations

Just a gentle reminder for 4M to come in their Forest clothes tomorrow please for Forest School in the afternoon with Miss Lockwood.

In more exciting news, Mr Marsh has been busy purchasing all the ingredients for the Traybakes that the children are going to be making all day on Wednesday. We can’t wait to sell you our Mint Aero/Chocolate Orange/Malteser Traybakes. Traybakes will be £2 per piece or 2 for £3. We definitely want to be the winning class come Thursday afternoon!