4NJ Forest Fun

We have really enjoyed our time at Beech’s Base today tasting Viking porridge, building dens & making natural Viking jewellery from leaves & twigs. 😁

World Book Day 2022 4NJ

The children have absolutely loved dressing up as their favourite book characters today.

The children have enjoyed sharing their favourite books and authors with us. 😁

Missing Shoes

Year 4 parents and carers

Please can we ask you all to thoroughly check your children’s bags and PE bags for a missing pair of boys, size 13 school shoes. Please can you also check that the shoes your child is wearing are theirs.

If you find the missing shoes please return them to Miss Jenkins.

Thank you for your support.

Year 4 4NJ Taditional Art

We have been making stain glass Windows as part of learning about traditional art & learning about the glass painter John Thornton.

Year 4 Viking Day!

Viking Day Letter 2022

Please find attached a letter that was sent home last week about our forthcoming Viking Day!

Any queries please contact a member of the team.

Thank you for your support.

Year 4