Yr 4 Manor Adventure Residential

Please see attached information in regards to the Yr4 Trip to Manor adventure.  Hard copies are being sent home tonight with your child. The consent forms and code of conducts need to be returned to the school no later than Friday 11th February

Kit List – kit list

Medical Consent Form – medical form

Code of Conduct – Residential Code of Conduct 2020 Manor Adventure

Kindest regards

Mr Moody

4NJ Forest Fun

We have had a brilliant time in Beech’s base today. We have used wood to make model bridges and we have worked as a team to build a bridge across the pond. This activity has  been linked to our design & technology topic ‘Bridges.’

Beech’s Base – Wednesday 5th January 2022 4NJ Visiting!!

Happy New Year All !!!

I hope you have all had a wonderful break. On Wednesday we will be inviting 4NJ. Half of the designated class will visit in the morning and half will go in the afternoon.

Children can arrive in their clothing for outdoor learning and clean footwear (trainers):

  • Old clothing – As the weather is turning colder please ensure children are equipped with warm clothing.
  • Gloves (Essential as the temperature has dropped!)
  • Layers to keep warm!
  • Suitable waterproof clothing if the weather is wet/ Optional waterproof trousers or all in one for water fun.

Children will need to bring in a separate named carrier bag:

  • Wellies/Outdoor Footwear
  • Carrier bag for wet/dirty clothing
  • Clothing to change into after their session. Uniform not required on this day.

If you have any questions please email me: jeni.kuczynska@taw.org.uk

Many thanks

Mrs Kuczynska


letter re Year 4

Year 4 Parents and Carers

Please find attached an urgent letter for your attention.

I want to reassure you we are working closely with the Health Hub. We have reviewed measures that continue to be in place to reduce transmission: the school is operating in bubble groups, hand hygiene, good ventilation, cleaning regimes and vigilance around symptoms for example.

If you wish to book a PCR for reassurance you can do and should select: “Advised by the Local Authority” as the reason for testing. The pupils would not need to await the results before returning to school unless symptomatic. Please send copies of results to nicola.moody@taw.org.uk

Best wishes to all of our affected staff and pupils.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs M