Year 4 Home Learning – Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good Afternoon Year 4,

Below is the home learning for tomorrow.

As always send any photos or if you have any questions please email me on

Have a lovely day

Love Mrs Kuczynska xxx

Home Learning Tuesday 9th June 2020

Tuesday Maths 1 Star

Tuesday Maths 2 and 3 Star

Waste Free Lunch Poster-A4

Waste Free Lunch Activity Sheet

English 1 star

River Inspiration

4NJ Bubble Art

We have had a lovely afternoon sketching the wildlife in and around our school grounds. We have entered a competition and hope to be winners. Well done children 🙂

Baking Lesson!

A massive thank you to everyone who decided to join in with my baking class today. If you want to send me any photos of you all baking or the end result please send them to

I look forward to seeing how they turned out!

Most of all… Enjoy eating them!

Miss Jones x