Class 6B

Dear parents,
Class 6B have decided to sell cakes and pick n’ mix at the summer fayre on Thursday. Any cakes that you could bake and bring in for us Thursday, would be very gratefully received!
Thanks so much,
Mrs Bold

Monday Transition Days for NGHS and Idsall

Just to confirm that on Monday there will be transition days for Newport Girls High School and for Idsall School NOT for Adams Grammar School.

Adams held there induction day last Friday.

Sorry for any confusion.






Year 6 Leaver’s Party

Dear parents,
The year 6 Leaver’s Party is taking place on Thursday 20th July. The children have been very excited to be part of the planning process and have collectively decided on a ‘Hawaiian’ theme.

Some of the activities that they want to do are: limbo, photo booth, fruit cocktail making, beach volleyball and many more. We ask for the children to wear bright clothing on this day and they can accessorise in any way that they would like, using the Hawaiian theme!

If you have any Hawaiian themed resources, or photo booth props that we could borrow for the day, we would be very grateful.

Thanks for all of your help and support.

The year 6 team.

Resources Plea!

Dear parents,

As we are coming to the end of the year, staff have been busy sorting through resources for next year. Unfortunately, lots of year 6 books from the shared area, and NJS library books have gone missing throughout the course of the year. Please could we ask you to check in bookcases, under beds, in cupboards etc and check to see if any NJS books have gotten mixed up with your own. We are also very short on scissors and rulers, so please can we ask that your child brings in any NJS resources in the next few weeks.

If you are having a summer sort-out, we would be very grateful to receive any reading books, that belong to you, but are no longer needed at home.

Thanks in advance.
The year 6 team.

Green and yellow swim gala

The swim gala for green and yellow houses is on Thursday afternoon at Newport swimming pool. We will leave school at approximately 1:20pm. For any parents who want to watch, we will be racing between 2pm and 3pm. You are welcome to take your child when they have changed, or we will walk back to school together, ready to dismiss at 3:15pm.
Many thanks,
The year 6 team.

Reminder for year 6

Please remember to bring in your plain white t-shirt to school on Thursday for tie-dying! Thanks.

Year 6 non-transition children on Wednesday

Please can all year 6 children, who are not attending a transition day with their new school on Wednesday, come to school wearing their PE kit.