Year 6 Wellbeing Activity

Hello Year 6
Attached to this post is a short well being activity that you might find useful to complete whilst at home – it is all about your personal wishes and ambitions for the future! We would love to hear about what you want to achieve one day!

Wishes-Wednesday (1)

Year 6 Maths Code

Hello Year 6
Attached to this post is the code activity mentioned on the Maths slides. Remember you can send your answers into to see if you have successfully cracked the code!

Can you crack the code

Year 6 Home Learning 20.01.21

Morning Y6.

Attached is your English, Maths and Reading activities for Wednesday 20th January. Miss Sherry will be doing some MFL work with you live on Teams. There is also a YouTube link for the latest instalment of Miss Sherry reading The Lost Diaries of King Henry VIII’s Executioner.

Well done to those of you who have been sending in your work to the Year 6 email, we have seen some FANTASTIC examples of your hard work.

Have a great day!
Literacy Day 3
Maths Day 3
Reading Day 3

A new NJS art challenge

Hello children,

I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying your home learning. I would like to share a new art challenge with you all. This week, I would like us to focus on Shadow Art. Using a torch or a living room light, lamp or even a torch from a mobile phone. Find a dark place in your home, choose your favourite object. Place it on some plain A4 paper and have a go at creating your very own pieces of art by tracing around the shadow.

Please see the pictures below for some ideas.

Have fun and enjoy 🙂 Mrs Jukes

Shadow Art Task

Shadow Art Task

Y6 Home Learning 19.01.21

Good Morning Y6,

Here are your Literacy, Maths, Art and Reading tasks for Tuesday 19th January. There is also a maths help sheet for those that had asked for one. You should find some useful pointers and examples on the maths slides if you are unsure.

Have a wonderful day, well done for ALL your AMAZING hard work so far during this lockdown, all the staff at NJS are so proud of you!

Literacy Day 2
Maths Day 2
Portrait Drawing lesson2
Prompt sheet for mult & div fractions
Reading Day 2

Reading – The Lost Diary

I have noticed that very few have viewed the last instalment of the book. In order for me to post further readings it is beneficial for the children to view the clip.

They don’t have copies so to understand the historical context they need to watch the reading of it.

Many thanks!