Y6 Maths Club

Just a reminder that there will be no Year 6 Maths Club this week due to the school disco.

The first session will be on Wednesday 26th February 3.30pm – 4.15pm.

Year 6 WhatsApp Groups

Dear Parents/Carers,

I have been informed today, by some parents, about a Year 6 WhatsApp group called ‘Selling Stuff for Cheap’.  On this group many Year 6 NJS children are selling personal items to each other.  We would advise parents and carers to check their child’s involvement in this group.  I have spoken to all of the children about this group today.

Please can we recommend that you regularly review your child’s conversations that are taking place on social media and online.

Best wishes

Mrs Moody

Homework due 12th February

Read at least 3 times and ask an adult to sign your reading diary to confirm.

Learn your spellings. Complete detailed sentences and definitions in your homework book.

Complete the reading comprehension task. Only allow 10 minutes to read and answer the questions. Please support your child to restrict timings to only 10 minutes for the reading task: this will support their reading stamina.

Year 6 Parents

Thank you to everyone who came to the SAT Workshop this evening the slides are attached for your information.

sat workshop 2020

I’m really sorry I forgot to say….. tests take place in the Year 6 classrooms.