Leavers Day!

Leavers service at St Nicholas’ Church on Thursday at 8.50am.  Year 6 parents and carers are very, very welcome to join us for the service.

Children  bring a polo shirt to be signed on Thursday: please can they bring an appropriate pen to do this with: Sharpies are ideal!

Leavers Lunch: Year 6 have chosen a menu for Leavers Lunch.  Please pay for your child’s meal in the usual way.

The Leavers Party will take place until 5pm and it would be great if all the children will stay for this.  They will get some chips, ice cream and a drink!

Reminder for Crucial Crew 11.07.19

Reminder that Y6 have Crucial Crew tomorrow. Children need to be in full school uniform – green jumpers and cardigans. They need to wear sensible shoes and a raincoat may be required. The only thing children need to bring is a packed lunch.

There are still some outstanding slips. We cannot take children without parental permission so please return slips tomorrow morning.

Reminder about t-shirts

Just a reminder that all Year 6 children need to bring a plain white t-shirt tomorrow to make tie-dye t-shirts.

Thank you

Y6 Uniform for transition

Reminder that all Year 6 children need to be in full school uniform – green jumper or green cardigan. Blue hoodies are not to be worn please.

Good Luck for transition days

The whole Year 6 team would like to wish all the Year 6 children good luck for their transition days. We are certain that they will enjoy the time spent in their new school.

LEAVERS DAY! Thursday 18th July

The whole school will go straight to church for 8.50am for the Leavers Service.  Year 6 parents and carers are welcome to attend for this service.

At the end of the day Year 6 children are invited to stay for a leavers party hosted by NJS staff.  Children need to wear comfortable clothing and will be provided with a ‘chippy tea’!  Please collect children at 5pm from the main playground.

Y6 Tie-dye t-shirts

Children will need to bring a plain white t-shirt so they can make their tie-dye t-shirt on Wednesday 10th July. This is the only day available to make the t-shirts as the diary is so busy before the end of the school year.

Year 6 PE

There are a high number of children in Year 6 not bringing their PE kits into school. Can all Year 6 children remember to bring their kits in on a Monday and leave in school all week please? When the weather is nice we can take advantage and be outside at alternative times.

Thank you for your support!