Year 6 Leavers Party

Year 6 children are invited to stay at school until 5pm on Thursday for their Leavers Party.

Please bring a change of clothes; ideally PE style clothing as there will be a range of activities organised by the staff!

Children will be offered chip shop chips, ice cream and a drink for their party tea!

Please wait outside the hall at 5pm on Thursday to collect your children.

Year 6 last week news

Dear Parents/Carers,

Well done to 6S for a fantastic performance in our class assembly!

Monday 16tb July:
We are completing our RSE work in the morning. Letters were sent out last week outlining the content of these sessions please read if you haven’t managed to already. Since we are doing this work, and the year group are in split into gender groups, children need PE kits also.
On Monday we will be completing another DT project – cocktails. On Monday children will be put into groups and will make decisions about the one item they are going to bring in so they can create their fruit cocktails. The Monday session is to design a cocktail only.

Tuesday 17th July
Grand Day out
Children will need PE kits, a water bottle, sun cream and perhaps a hat.

Wednesday 18th July:
Making cocktails.

Thursday 19th July:
Church for leavers service – children to arrive for 8.50am please. Parents are welcome to join us.
After school on Thursday we will hold Leavers Party till 5pm. Children need a change of clothes, PE clothing is advisable due to nature of activities.

Friday 20th July:
Children need to bring a spare school top and permanent marker for tops to be signed. Children will be completing their leavers books also.

It is advisable for all children to bring some bags in to school early next week as they will be bringing school books home.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Year 6 team

Leavers Lunch!

On Thursday 19th July the whole school will be offered a menu chosen by the Year 6 children for Leavers Lunch:

Hot dog or burger and chips followed by cheesecake.

Payment in the usual way.

Y6 Crucial Crew News

A huge well done to Year 6 children today, their behaviour today at TCAT for Crucial Crew was impeccable.  Their efforts did not go unnoticed as NJS won 1st, 2nd and joint 3rd place.

Well done to everyone today!

Year 6 Leavers Church Service

All children are going straight to church on Thursday 19th July for the Leavers service.

Year 6 parents are welcome to attend.

Year 6 DT

All Year 6 children need to bring a plain white t-shirt in to school by Tuesday.  We are making tie-dye t-shirts as part of our DT work for this term.

The t-shirts need to plain as patterns and logos can affect the quality of the dye.

Thank you,

Year 6 team

Crucial Crew Reminder

Just a quick reminder that the children in year 6 will be heading to Crucial Crew on Monday 9th July. Any slips that have not been returned need to in by tomorrow (Friday 6th July).

The coach will pick us up at 9:15am and we will be back at school before 3:30. Please can children ensure they have plenty of fluids for the day and a packed lunch.

The weather is due to stay so we would suggest the children bring and hat and sun cream as most of the activities are outside. The children are required to wear their school uniform and this includes the green jumper/cardigan not black hoodies.

Crucial Crew is a fantastic opportunity for the children and an experience they will always remember. We look forward to a great day learning many life saving skills.

Thank you,

Miss Jones and Miss Sherry