There’s a boy in the girls’ bathroom

6J have almost finished their class story of There’s a boy in the girls’ bathroom; the boom we have used for the last 3 weeks in our Literacy lessons. Today we worked on understanding how the main character (Bradley Chalkers) changes throughout the story.  


6J Dancing

Our P.E topic this term is dance; to familiarise the children with dance we had a go at performing the YMCA. After this the children were tasked with creating a dance routine which displayed each other letters of their names. There were some wonderful performances, well done 6J! 


Year 6 STAR.

Year 6 are partaking in a STAR (stop, think, act, reflect) scheme run by West Mercia Polic Force. P.C Ridgewell came into 6J and discussed topics such as drugs, alcohol and arrests. The children all found the programme enjoyable and informative. These sessions will be running each Tuesday afternoon for 6 weeks. 

6J Brain Gym

 After a full afternoon of writing 6J took part in some brain gym activities within class.  

6J PE: Circuit Training 

Today’s PE session was based around circuit training; we did shuttle runs, star jumps, press ups, basket throws, bean bag toss and bench step ups. 

Factors and Multiples

Today in year 6 we have been working on our understanding and applying of factors, multiples, prime and square numbers through the game Factor Lines. image image image image

Year 6. Practise swimming gala

Year 6 practise gala on Thursday afternoon. Mplease can children remember their kits.  All children will return to  school for 3.30pm.  X

Year 6 homework for 12.6.15

Year 6 have been asked to complete a food diary for Friday!

Year 6 Burton Borough Parental Pen Portraits

Year 6 parents if your child will be attending Burton Borough School in September please can you return these to Mrs M or Mr B by Tuesday 9th June.

Thank you! x