Year 4 Tag Rugby

We are hoping for better weather tomorrow, so that Mrs Jukes and Mrs Sisson’s class will have tag rugby with Andy Protheroe. Please can the children remember their outdoor P.E. kit and trainers.

Thank you 🙂

Year 4’s trip to the Sea Life Centre on Monday 7th of October

Dear Parents and Guardians,

A polite reminder that on Monday and Tuesday next week, year 4 will be going to the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. If you have not yet returned your slip, please make sure your child returns it tomorrow. Also, could we remind you that all children will need to be in Newport Junior school uniform on these days.

Following from this, although there is a mufti day where children can wear pyjamas and other sleep apparel on Monday, children who will be attending the trip on Monday need to wear school uniform. The children in Mrs Sisson’s class will be reminded tomorrow which day they are going.

Kind regards,

Year 4 team

Rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000

4S and 4NJ worked in groups to create posters explaining how to round to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.

Sleep Assembly!

Next Monday there is a sleep assembly happening at school. The school council will be taking charge to produce an assembly about tips and suggestions about the importance of a good sleep.

This is be a normal assembly for the children.

Rounding in year 4!

This week the children have been learning how to round to 10, 100 and 1000. For the final lesson, the children created learning videos to tell people what they now know.

Below are 3 examples… in these videos the children were given a number and they had to explain their method to find the answer.

We hope you find them useful as a reminder in the future!

Video to 10

Video to 100

Video to 1000

Here is a little rhyme to help the children…

5 to 9 – Climb the Vine!

0 to 4 – Slide to the floor!


All Year 4 children should have come home with a trip letter to the Sea Life Centre for Geography.

To clarify:

4NJ and half of 4S are going Monday 7th October

4J (4EJ) and the other half of 4S are going Tuesday 8th October.

Mrs Sisson has told the children from 4S which day they will be going on today.

Thank you for your support.

TTRS Update!

Before the homework message went online, we were still awaiting the children to be placed into their new classes on TTRS.

Thankfully, this has now happened! Therefore, each week on Monday at 6am their homework will go live. This homework is 3 games of sound check and when they log in, they have to complete those games before going on any others.

They have until Friday morning for this as we can check online who has completed it on time.

Thank you!