5M D&T Bottle Rockets

Today and tomorrow we’re working on our bottle rockets designing and making. For Friday’s lesson we are hoping to make our bottle rocket.

Apologies for the late notice – the website hadn’t pushed out this message – the children may need (and I appreciate – only if you have them!) a plastic bottle, some stiff cardboard, masking/duct tape and anything else they may find in your recycling bin!

They will be working collaboratively – so please don’t worry if you haven’t all the bits!

Kindest regards and apologies,

Mr M

Yr 5 – Local Area Visit to St.Andrew’s Church

On Thursday afternoon Year 5 will be going on a local area to visit to St. Andrew’s Church, Church Aston – a religious building which is not St. Nicholas” church. Being a local visit all consent was given at the start of the school year as part of the information pack.

We will leave school straight after lunch and we will be back before the end of the school day.

Parents and Carers of children in 5W/N

Good Evening,

If you wish to contact me, please feel free to email me on kayleigh.naylor2@taw.org.uk 😊 

Many Thanks,

Mrs Naylor

Design and Technology – Year 5!

Good morning,

Over the next couple of weeks, the children will be designing and making a bottle rocket! In order for the children to make the rockets, we are asking if you could possibly send any of the following materials into school:

Bottles – plastic – Large (2L) or small and a variety of sizes. 

Carboard – varying thickness

Bottle corks (All shapes and sizes)

We can’t wait to show you our final products and we hope that they will fly in the air!

Many thanks,

The Year 5 Team

5M – Art Shirts and Newspapers on Wednesday

A message from Mrs Jones…

Please can all the children bring in an Art shirt and some newspaper for their Art work on Wednesday.


Mr M

5OP Brass Taster Session!

Yesterday, year 5 were so lucky to have a brass taster session run by Burton Borough! The children had an amazing session and picked it up so quickly.

5M Brass Taster session

The BBS’ Big Band came into school today to give Yr 5 a brass taster session- they hope to recruit new members to the BBS Big Band! A letter will follow on from todays session. The children in 5M did brilliantly well and thoroughly enjoyed their session!