Starting Wednesday, there will be a TTRS battle between the three Yr 6 classes! This battle will last over the weekend and finish on Monday morning!

There are prizes available for the top scoring accounts, plus those that play the most minutes! The winning class will also receive some extra break time as a class reward!

Every child should have their TTRS log in handy, please see your class teacher if you don’t have yours available.

Happy Battling, Yr 6!

6J Beech’s Base Reminder – WEDNESDAY

Remember 6J, you are at Beech’s Base on Wednesday afternoon with Miss Lockwood.

Please bring your forest clothes to school in a spare bag to change into. Miss Lockwood has lots of activities planned for you to do linked into your science curriculum on light.

Torches for 6B

Could I please ask that if any children in class 6B have a torch, that they bring it into school (preferably named) on Monday 16th October. We need some torches to do a light experiment in our science lesson.

Year 6 Light Show

A quick reminder for year 6 parents to kindly pay for the light dome, on Parent Pay, by the end of this week please. Many thanks.