Year 6 PE kits

Just a reminder to all year 6 to bring in PE kits on Tuesday and keep them in all week.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday Monday.

from The Year 6 team

Well done to all children who took part in the Coronation art competition!

A huge thank you to our art ambassadors & all children who took part in the Tower of London art competition to celebrate the King’s coronation. We were very excited to receive coronation bunting from The Tower of London celebrating the children’s designs from all schools who have entered.

Coronation Crown Winners

This morning, we had a parade of crowns to select the prize winners for the best crowns in each class. A fantastic effort was made by every child who wore a crown to school today, which made it very tricky for the staff to choose a winner. Well done everyone!!

Here are the winners for each year group:

Year 3 –

Year 4 –

Year 5 –

Year 6 –


Year 6 Alton Towers

A reminder for parents to go on ParentPay and tick permission and pay for the Alton Towers trip please.
Unfortunately, if we do not have sufficient contributions, the trip will not be going ahead.

Many thanks,
The Year 6 Team

Well done Lucy!

A massive well done to Lucy for having her hair chopped off last night and donating 12 inches of hair to The Little Princess Trust! What a fantastic achievement Lucy and we are so proud of you!

Year Shrewsbury Trip

Just a reminder that we need parents to go on to Parent Pay and give consent for their child to go on the Shrewsbury Trip please! The trip is planned for Monday 27th March.