Home Learning – Thursday 11th June

Good afternoon Year 6!

Please find Thursday’s home learning below. The reading comprehension consists of two parts. One PDF has the text for all 3 challenge levels and the other document contains the questions and answers.

Week 2 Thursday Slides PDF

Week 2 Thursday Slides

Questions and Answers

Reading Comprehension

Please send any questions or work to eloise.jones@taw.org.uk

Stay safe, take care.

Miss Jones x

Home Learning – Wednesday 10th June

Happy Wednesday Year 6!

I hope that you are all having a lovely week so far. Please find today’s home learning below.

Letter to Your MP Activity Sheet

Week 2 Wednesday Slides PDF

Week 2 Wednesday Slides

Remember my e-mail is eloise.jones@taw.org.uk should you have an questions or wish to share any work with myself.

Take care,

Miss Jones x

Baking Lesson!

A massive thank you to everyone who decided to join in with my baking class today. If you want to send me any photos of you all baking or the end result please send them to eloise.jones@taw.org.uk

I look forward to seeing how they turned out!

Most of all… Enjoy eating them!

Miss Jones x

Home Learning – Monday 8th June

Hello Year 6!

Please find today’s home learning below! As last week, I have attached both the powerpoint and PDF formats for you. Some days this week will have other documents. These documents are for a larger scale should you wish to view some slides slightly bigger.

Week 2 Monday Slides PDF

Week 2 Monday Slides

Layers of the ocean – other PDF

Layers of the ocean – other

As always, please feel free to e-mail any questions or work produced over the week to… eloise.jones@taw.org.uk

Have a lovely week!

Miss Jones x


Well done Jacob!

Well done Jacob for making his own Aztec mask based on his design from yesterday. It is fantastic and you should be extremely proud!

Live Baking Lesson – Monday 8th at 1pm!

Hello Everyone!

I will be doing a live baking lesson on Monday 8th June at 1pm on the school’s Facebook page. Feel free to come and join us!

If you could weigh out the ingredients beforehand, that would be great! You will need a baking tray with some grease-proof paper as well.

You can use a mixer, handheld mixer or mix by hand. When using the oven, I would suggest an adult supports or take over this stage.

I’ve chosen Thumbprint Cookies to start with as they are a quick recipe. Hopefully we can build up to other recipes should you wish for more lessons.


200g softened butter (I use stork or any supermarket’s version)

200g caster sugar

320g plain flour

50g of jam or lemon curd (I have replaced these for chocolate before so the choice is yours)

1 medium egg

Vanilla extract

½ teaspoon of baking powder

½ teaspoon of salt

See you at 1pm Monday! 

Miss Jones x