Y6 trip to Crucial Crew

Children are coming home tonight with a letter regarding Crucial Crew. Crucial Crew is an event organised between Telford and Wrekin and all the emergency services. Children learn how to respond to scenarios and learn how to make informed decisions about safety.

The event is held at TCAT. This will take place on the 11th of July.

Please read the letter for more details or speak to a member of the Year 6 team.

Please return slips as soon as possible. The deadline for slips is Friday 5th July.

Thank you for your support!

BBS visit Friday and Jar for Summer Fair

We are still awaiting permission slips for this visit, please complete and return before Friday.

On Friday, children are being asked to bring a jar for mufti, however as we are visiting Burton Borough, Y6 cannot wear mufti. Year 6 children need to be in school uniform, including green jumpers and cardigans. Year 6 children can still bring a jar but wear mufti on Tuesday (02.07.19) of next week instead.

Thank you for your support!

School photos 27.06.19

Reminder for all year 6 children to wear green school jumpers and cardigans for photographs tomorrow (Thursday 27th June)

Year 6 Writing Club

My apologies I didn’t get to speak to Mr Moody before the school newsletter was published but writing club has now finished for the school year.

I want to say well done to the children.

Burton Borough School Transition Meeting

Parents and Carers of Year 6 Pupils starting at BBS in September:

You are invited to a meeting with the Principal of Burton Borough School at NJS at 5pm on Tuesday 18th June.  Please come along to find out more about the transition to Burton Borough School and to meet some of the staff.

London Day 2

Pictures show our walk to Downing Street and our workshop at the natural history museum. The children got to handle authentic fossils and use modern day scientific technology to study the artefacts. A great experience for them.

London Day 2

Another wet but even more wonderful day in London for the year 6 children. Today we have taken a river cruise along The Thames, completed the royal walk – including witnessing the changing of the guards – visited the fantastic attractions at The National History Museum, had our evening meal at The Rainforest Cafe before the children watched The Lion King at the theatre. The rain certainly didn’t deter the children, they have loved every minute of their second day! More photos to follow.