1st February Music morning and MFL visit to Burton Borough

Today, we were visited by Miss Simpson from TACT and she delivered a musical theatre workshop for all children.

Yr6 children learned how to sing Circle of Life and performed the song fantastically well.

This afternoon, the whole of Yr6 walked round to Burton Borough to have some French and Spanish taster lessons. Lessons were led by Mrs Irvine-Remson, Mrs Morgan and Mrs Reciogarcia. Thank you to the MFL department of Burton Borough for welcoming us in to the school and for providing some very enjoyable lessons.

Y6 Mosque Visit

A reminder that Year 6 are visiting Telford Central Mosque in Wellington on Monday. Group 1 (6J + half of 6S) will be leaving school at 9am and are due to return by 11.15am. Group 2 (6K + half of 6S) will be leaving NJS at 10.15am and are due to return at 12.30pm. All children will eat lunch at school as normal.

Children are asked to ensure they are wearing long sleeve tops and trousers for the visit. We have also asked that they bring a hat or scarf to respect the rules of the Mosque. Revered Merry from St Nic’s church will be joining us for our visit.


Y6 visit to Burton Borough

On Friday afternoon (1st of February) the whole of Year 6 are visiting Burton Borough for some taster MFL lessons. They will be back at NJS before the end of the day.

This is a fantastic opportunity to get to know some of the teachers and get a feel for French and Spanish lessons at secondary level.

Year 6 team

SAT Workshop – 12th February 6pm

All Year 6 parents are invited to a SAT workshop on Tuesday 12th February at 6pm.  At this session you will have the opportunity to find out more about the assessments and how we prepare the children.

6S Teacher

Mr Lambert has been offered a term’s work elsewhere therefore Mr Wilkinson will teach 6S for the next two weeks.

During this time if you need anything please approach Mr Wilkinson or a member of the Year 6 team.

Miss Sherry is due to return on Monday 28th January.

Year 6 Christmas Party

On Wednesday afternoon, Year 6 children will be having their Christmas party. The children are welcome to bring their choice of comfortable clothing for the afternoon. As always, we ask the children to contribute to the party buffet by bringing in an item of food. Your child has volunteered to bring in a specific item(s) and they should have written this down in their homelink book as a reminder. Please can we remind you that we do have a severe nut allergy in Year 6 and therefore ask that no products containing nuts are bought into school. We also ask that there is no cheese or pineapple bought in as we also have children allergic to those items. If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher. Thanks in advance, the Year 6 team.

Well done!

Thank you and well done to the Year 6 children who performed in church tonight.  You sang and read beautifully.  Thank you to the staff who organised this performance.

Y6 Senior Citizens Christmas party

To all parents and carers,

Year 6 will need to sign up for one of the following for Senior Citizens tea party, Wednesday 5th December:

Raffle prize



There will be sign up sheets in class for children. All donations for this event need to be brought into school Wednesday morning.

Thank you for your support.
Year 6 team