Y6 photography workshop reminder

To parents and carers of selected Year 6 children attending the photography workshop tomorrow (6.6.18) the children need to remember the following:

•wear school uniform

•wear comfortable shoes for walking

•have sun cream and hat if required

•have waterproof if weather changes

•bring a packed lunch – children will have lunch at school but may be late depending on length of time walking back to school


•camera with full battery and memory card

We hope they have a fantastic day at Deer Park!

Year 6 team

Year 6 Parents

The DfE have published these resources for Year 6 parents:




6J: French Study Pt 1

6J had the first part of their French study today with Professor Muller from Cambridge University. They looked at identifying character, numbers, clothes, colours and attempted to write their own French description of a character. This study will continue throughout the week. The children seemed to have had great fun taking part in this study.

french 2


Black History Month

6J have been recognising black history month this week and during today’s lesson we looked at some the coded language which would’ve been used by slaves trying to organise an escape. We had a go at creating our own coded messages. See if you can crack the 6J coded sentence.
