Yr 4 Residential – Manor Adventure

Dear Parents,

Only 2 sleeps to go until the Manor Adventure trip!! I thought I’d take this opportunity to give you a few reminders for the few days away.

  1. On Monday (17th) children will need a disposable packed lunch – we will eat this at Carding Mill Valley, our stop off point enroute to Manor Adventure.
  2. Medication – this needs to be clearly labelled and have a letter of authorisation to administer with instructions for when/how etc. This all needs to be placed in our medical box which will be located in the hall upon arrival.
  3. Please come to school on Monday 17th at normal time and escort your child to the school hall, our meeting point.
  4. Please label everything from pants to towels – everything needs to be labelled with your child’s name.
  5. Don’t forget to pack your child with a sleeping bag, PILLOW and a pillowcase.
  6. Children should NOT bring aerosols, electrical equipment, a massive amount of sweets, they will be given sufficient whilst there!
  7. Please reassure your child that they will not be forced to do anything whilst there. The decision is obviously up to the child. Teachers on the visit will persuade as much as possible, but will not force!
  8. Adults attending the residential are Mr Moody, Mr Jones, Mr Marsh, Mr Parker, Miss Smith, Mrs Yates, Mrs Dunscombe, Mr Leonard & Mrs Wood

If anyone has any problems or further queries, please email me and I’ll help where I can.

Kindest regards, fingers crossed for a dry few days!!

Mr B Moody


Flyer: Manor Adventure and NJS flyer

Kit List: kit list