Home Learning – 15.01.21

Happy Friday everyone!

Well done for making it to the end of the first full week of remote learning! We are proud of each and everyone of you – keep up the fantastic work. Only one more day of home learning to get through before the weekend.

We can’t wait to see you on TEAMs for our next lesson.

Friday 15th January PDF

Friday 15th January

Have a fantastic weekend!

Miss J, Mrs K, Mrs J and Mrs S x

Mr M’s Greatest Football Team in the World Challenge!

Hi Yr 3 and Yr 4

Many of you know I’m a huge football fan – especially for the “Greatest Football Team in the World,” Stoke City!

Here is a Maths challenge I’d like you to do! Email your answers to me – I’ll be looking for the children with the best calculations to win a prize! Answers revealed on Monday!

Best of luck!

Mr M x


NJS Top Rockers

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I am completely amazed at how hard you are all working at home, especially on Times Table Rock Stars – having looked through the data this morning I was so pleased with how well you are doing I wanted to share it with the whole school.

The powerpoint below is a leader board for the top 10 rockers in each year group, plus the top 10 leader board for the whole school! Some of your rock speeds are absolutely incredible….

Remember, it isn’t all about speed – I will also be uploading results for those with the greatest accuracy as well as those children are who collecting the most coins through their time on the app! Keep your eyes on the website in the coming weeks…

I am sure Mrs Moody will be happy to mention this in tomorrow’s celebration assembly!

Another huge well done to you all!

Mr J

Times Table Rock Stars – NJS’ Top

Home Learning – 13.01.21

Good afternoon Year 4!

We hope that you are having a lovely week so far! We are half way through the week already – keep up the fantastic work you are producing at home and on TEAMS.

Please find your home learning below! njs.year@taw.org.uk – send any work to this e-mail address 🙂

Wednesday 13th January PDF

Wednesday 13th January

Stay safe everyone,

The Year 4 Team
