Year 6 walk

The children not going to London will be going for a walk around Newport on Thursday morning. We will be stopping at the shop to allow the children to buy a snack. They may bring up to £5 into school in a purse/wallet to spend. If there are any dietary requirements please let year 6 staff know.

Year 6 staying in school – Recycling

Year 6 remaining in school this week will need to bring in cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, egg boxes etc.. by Wednesday morning for an investigation we will be carrying out on Friday.

We are also hoping to do a walk round Newport, stopping off at Greggs as well this week. Children will be allowed bring some money into school to spend on the walk. Look out for a letter with more details over the coming days.


6B Beech’s Base Monday

Dear parents and carers,
Class 6B will be going to Beech’s Base Monday afternoon. Please remember to wear appropriate summer forest school clothes. All children need to have arms and legs covered and old, closed-in footwear.
Don’t forget sunscreen/ hats/ waterproof clothing!
Mrs Bold