Carnival Help from ALL parents!!

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As part of this year’s carnival, we are celebrating local heroes and keyworkers. Please may we request any photos of your parents in their work uniforms to use for our display as part of this year’s carnival?

Any parents who are: police officers, fire fighters, doctors, nurses, refuse collectors, teachers, cleaners, caretakers, carpenters, plumbers etc. These will be much appreciated.

Please send your photos directly to Mrs Jukes. The contact e-mail is

If we could have these photos by Thursday at the latest, this will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you Mrs Jukes

Yr 6 Deer Park Entries – Reminder!

Please can we remind Yr 6 children that the deadline for submitting their Deer Park photo is Friday 9th June.

Any entries after this date will not be submitted.

Please see our previous website post for relevant information:

Please can we ask that Yr 6 children submit their best photo from the Deer Park Event asap.

We need these to be in electronic form so we can perform a WeTransfer of all the photos.

Please send your photo to your class teacher via email:

The deadline for entries is Friday 9th June

Yr 6 Messy Maths Day

NJS will be holding our Messy Maths Day on Monday 5th June.

Can we ask that Yr 6 children come to school in PE kit for this day as some of our activities will be linked to maths within sport. This will involve children carrying out physical exercise for parts of the day. If you wish to bring a spare change of clothes for after the activities, then please feel free to do so.

Everything the children need will be provided within school.

We are very much looking forward to showing children how their maths within school can be put in practice in real life, including some future careers.

Yr 6 Deer Park Photo Entries

Please can we ask that Yr 6 children submit their best photo from the Deer Park Event asap.

We need these to be in electronic form so we can perform a WeTransfer of all the photos.

Please send your photo to your class teacher via email:

The deadline for entries is Friday 9th June.

Yr 6 Deer Park – Camera Reminder

Please can we remind you that Yr 6 children are attending the Deer Park on Wednesday for a photography workshop. We will be leaving school at 9am prompt and returning to school by 12:30pm.

Where possible, we ask that children bring their own camera. We have a limited supply of camera/iPads within school, but certainly not enough for every child. If not enough children are able to bring their own camera, children may have to share a device.

Many thanks,