Reading – The Lost Diary

I have noticed that very few have viewed the last instalment of the book. In order for me to post further readings it is beneficial for the children to view the clip.

They don’t have copies so to understand the historical context they need to watch the reading of it.

Many thanks!

Year 6 Home Learning 18th Jan

Good Morning Y6. We hope you had a wonderful weekend?

Here is your Home Learning for today: English, Maths, History & Reading and a short Mindfulness task.

Remember to send any questions, pieces of work or examples of what you did over the weekend to for some teacher feedback.

Have a great day!

Lesson 1 18.01.21 
Maths Day 1
week 3 To understand historical vocabulary
Monday 18.01.21 (Reading Task)

Week beginning 18.01.21 online lesson schedule

Miss Sherry is delivering all the online lessons.

6J at 9am
6K at 10am
6S at 11am
Literacy lesson

6J at 9am
6K at 10am
6S at 1pm

6J at 10am
6K at 11am
6S at 1pm

6S at 9am
6J at 10am
6K at 11am

6K at 9am
6S at 10am
6J at 11am

I hope this helps you to organise your time next time.

Mr M’s Greatest Football Team in the World Challenge

Hi Yr 5 and Yr 6!

Many of you know I’m a huge football fan – especially for the “Greatest Football Team in the World,” Stoke City!

Here is a Maths challenge I’d like you to do! Email your answers to me – I’ll be looking for the children with the best calculations to win a prize! Answers revealed on Monday!

Best of luck!

Mr M x

Home Learning 15.01.21

Nearly a full week done, keep up the good work and hopefully you’ll all have a rest over the weekend!

Literacy – you are taking a the recount and publishing your final draft. Remember to change things from edited work so it’S the best version.
lesson 8 15.01.21

Reading – just sit back and listen. No task with this today.

PSHE is your online lesson and it comes with a weekly challenge. Mrs Kerr will explain during the lesson.
PSHE lesson 1 piece1
PSHE lesson 1 piece2

Order of online lessons are the following:
6K at 9am
6J at 10am
6S at 11am

Coding lesson coding lesson 1 bubbles

Friday’s wellbeing theme is ‘Friendly Friday’

Have a good day and have a great weekend!