3PW reminders WC 6.5.24


Tuesday: Mrs P all day, library

Wednesday: Mrs P in the AM, PE, Beech’s Base in the PM with Miss Lockwood and Mrs Cox – remember to come to school in your scruffy clothes!

Thursday: Mrs W all day, Darwin and Owen house (yellow and green) swimming gala at Newport swimming baths 2pm – parents/carers welcome to watch and take children home afterwards. Otherwise, children will return to school with staff for usual dismissal.

Friday: Mrs W all day, PE

Have a wonderful long weekend everyone! Xxx

5M English

We are loving English currently in 5M, through reading and writing in response to ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’ by Arthur Conan Doyle.

Today we have been hard at work creating our cliffhanger climaxes.

Maths Sessions Update

Maths sessions which have been held by Mr Jones & Miss Bold on a Thursday morning have now finished.

We are very grateful for the hard work and effort shown by the children in the last few months and we are sure this will benefit them in the future.

Maths sessions which take place on a Tuesday morning will continue for 1 more week and these children will have their final session on Tuesday 7th May.