3PW BEECH’S BASE 08.05.24

Just a reminder that 3PW will be at Beech’s Base all day on Wednesday next week – 8th May. Please remember to send children in scruffy clothes suitable for the forest. They must have a spare pair of shoes also. Thank you!

Yr 6 Photography Competition

We are pleased that we will once again be offering all Yr 6 children the chance to take part in the Deer Park Photography Competition taking place on Friday 24th May. 

We will be taking the children to Chetwynd Deer Park where they will spend either the morning or afternoon working with a professional photographer, who will teach the children how to take the best possible photos; children will then be given time to capture as many images as they can. They will then be able to enter their best photo to be put forward to the Newport Show judges; prizes are usually awarded for the top 3 entries.

All the information should be contained within the attached letter. As ever, if you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

Y6 Chetwynd Park Letter

Year 3 Swimming Galas

Dear Parents and carers,

This Thursday 2ND MAY at 2pm, Children from RED and BLUE house will be taking part in their Swimming Gala at Newport Town Swimming Pool.

Yellow and Green team will have their gala next week, on Thursday.

Children in these houses will need their SWIMMING KIT for this day.

AMENDED:  CHILDREN MAY INVITE NO MORE THAN ONE  PARENT to come and watch, from 2pm onwards, as space in the spectator area is limited!

At 3pm, children can be collected from Newport Town Pool and taken home from there, or we will walk back with your children and dismiss them from school in the usual way.

Any children who have clubs after school will need to walk back to school with their teachers.

Any questions, please ask your child’s class teacher before or after school.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.