Games/Athletics 28/11/18 – Cancelled

It is with great regret I am going to have to cancel our final games club of the year  this Wednesday (28/11).  Due to personal reasons I will not be able to run the final session.

I would like to thanks all pupils who have participated in the club through all weathers and been extremely engaged. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have running it.

I look forward to seeing many of you join me for another club in the coming new year.

All the best,

Mr Lawson

Spellings and Homework Year 3

Year 3 classes have received their homework and spellings today. All classes have their usual 10 spellings. However, this week spellings are also included on their handwriting sheets. Please could children practice both the spellings and handwriting daily for their spelling tests on Friday.

The children have also been reminded to also practice their time tables ready for Friday’s test too.

3J also have an additional piece of maths homework to complete which has been stuck in their homework books. Please complete this on the sheet.

Extra homework: some children have taken it upon themselves and have completed extra homework! How fantastic! Can we please make sure any additional homework that the children may decide to do, is done in homework books so this can be rewarded!

Good luck with the homework guys!

Have a lovely weekend.

Thank you for your continuing support.

The Year 3 Team