Dear parents,
Year 3 spellings and hwk to be tested 11.10.19
As usual, children need to aim to read every day (minimum 3x weekly) and fill in their reading diaries.
Extra reading = extra house points! Please help your child to learn their x2, x3, x5, and x10 tables. Children will be tested on these regularly. Can they count up in twos, threes, fives and tens? Can they say all of these tables aloud?
Minute Maths homework this week is to try to complete the Minute Maths number bond tests, to develop basic number fluency. Give your child 1 minute per column – if they don’t finish, put a line where they get up to in 1 minute, then support them to complete the calculations. Can they reduce their time taken over the four tests?
Please mark your child’s answers. Thank you.
HOMEWORK TO BE COMPLETED BY 11.10.18 please (10.10.19 for class 3B)
Thank you for your continued support,
The Year 3 Team.