Ziva and Seb Sports Awards!

It was lovely in class yesterday afternoon to celebrate Ziva and Seb’s achievements this year in their sports in front of the other children.

Ziva had her medal and trophy from Dance where she won the trophy for how much effort she has put in this year. Seb explained how he competes in a Tetrathlon, which consists of the four disciplines of running, swimming, riding and shooting. Seb won the award this year for Most Improved Athlete this year.

If your child has a trophy or an award  to share and celebrate, please contact me thomas.marsh@taw.org.uk or allow them to bring it in.

Year 3 v Year 4 TTRS Battle

Good Evening,

The next TTRS battle is now live between Year 3 v Year 4. To support pupil wellbeing, there will be a daily time limit of 30 minutes per child.

Which year group will be victorious? …. Who will be the most valuable member of their class? …. Who will be crowned top of their year group?

Find out next week when the competition closes!

5M Reminders

This coming Friday, it is Mufti day in exchange for £1 for Children in Need. Mr Rotherham has done a letter on the website explaining a little more about a visitor we may have….

Next week is the start of Bikeability for some children. If this concerns your child, please return the permission slip for your child if you haven’t done so already.

Can children in 5M not doing Bikeability on Monday please bring an old shirt that can be ruined, we will be painting and using pastels Monday afternoon.

Swimming will continue as normal for the children not doing Bikeability on Tuesday.

Finally, speaking for 5M, your children are ploughing through an absolute avalanche of work currently and rising to the challenge well. They have coped with raised expectation of Y5 and I felt it was appropriate this was recognised.

Read more >

Y5 Parents Day

Thanks very much for all the parents and carers who have filled out their requests for Y5 Parents’ Day next Wednesday (and those who have contacted us for an alternative date). If you are unsure of your time or still need to arrange an appointment, please email your child’s class teacher directly with your preferences and we will get back to you with a time.

The format of the day is similar to last year. 9-12am will be Teams or phone call appointments and 1-4pm will be Face to Face appointments in the Hall. We can also accommodate other dates if this Wednesday is inconvenient.

5M: thomas.marsh@taw.org.uk

5J: natalie.jukes@taw.org.uk

5P: fiona.yates@taw.org.uk