Good morning!

This week, I thought I would start with a way of reducing stress! This is a simple technique that when we begin to feel overwhelmed and stressed, it can ground our emotions.

The lemniscate pattern, known as the figure of 8, activates glands within the brain which results in making us feel happier. It cancels out the stress chemicals!

Try this technique for 20-30 seconds! 

This technique is simple but one of the most powerful techniques we can use!

Have a go,

Mrs Ollerenshaw x

5PJ at Beech’s Base

For 5PJ’s visit to Beech’s Base the theme for Forest Fun today was linked to our History topic – The Victorians. We discussed when this period of time existed and how life would have been like. Some of the activities included exploring Den Building and Creating Peg Dolls and creating a Victorian Chemist role play game. The children were able to explain what the word ‘Era’ means. The children also used hand drills to make holes in conkers and played the traditional game.

Thanks for a super day 5PJ.

Mrs K x 🙂