5PJ at Beech’s Base

5PJ have had their first visit to Beech’s Base … I hope they really enjoyed their day.

Our theme for Forest Fun today was linked to our  Geography topic – Resources.. We discussed what this meant and how we can use resources from the environment. Some of the vocabulary included being efficient and effective.  Today’s activities included Purifying water, Den Building, Leaf Printing and Acorn painting. The children developed a game where they created a currency using acorns this helped demonstrate how trading helped with being sustainable . We cooked baked beans over the fire and ate with bread :).

Thanks for a super day 4J

Mrs K x 🙂



Year 6 change of dates for swimming

Dear parents/ carers,
On Tuesday 18th October, the year 6 children have been invited to a Quidditch Tournament at Burton Borough School. This is a very exciting opportunity for us but clashes with our swimming day. So just for that week, year 6 swimming has been changed to MONDAY 17TH OCTOBER.
We will give out more reminders nearer the time. The tournament is during normal school hours.
Thanks for your help and support.

Y4 Football Team

The Y4 Boys football team were unsuccessful this week away at Newdale Primary in progressing to the next round of the Telford and Wrekin County Cup but we had a great time and their effort, behaviour and determination was excellent! We hope to have more matches and for more players to represent the school across the year!