Year 3 spellings and homework to be tested 5.4.19

Year 3 Spellings and Homework week 11 to be tested 5.4.19

Dear parents,

Please find attached the year 3 spellings and homework.

Children can begin to bring in their shields from Monday 1st April next week. On Wednesday 3rd April, we will be completing an evaluation of their shield, so it would be very helpful if we could have all of them in school by then please.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 team.

Year 3 Parents Evening letters / Mother’s Day lunch letters

Dear Parents,

Children should have brought home two letters today: one about Parent’s Evening and one about Mother’s Day lunch.

Please ensure that you return the Parent’s Evening letter reply slips no later than Wednesday, to ensure that we have time to arrange timings and confirm arrangements.  If you are unable to attend on the day, please make alternative arrangements with your child’s class teacher.

Finally, the Mother’s Day lunch reply slips also need returning by Wednesday 20th March at the latest, if you wish to come along.

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

year 3 Spellings and homework for 22.3.19

Dear Parents,

Please continue to help your children learn their times tables, using TTRS. We have several battles currently taking place between 3B:3P and 3B:3W on TTRS – please allow your children to play as much as possible.

Children should continue to work on their shields, to be ready for 1st April. Again, we request that you do not send them in before this date, due to restricted storage space. Please learn spellings and complete at least 3x entries in reading diaries with parent signatures.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 3 Team

Week 10 Spellings & homework to be tested 22.3.19

Year 3 homework and spellings for 15.3.19

Dear Parents,

Today children should have come home with their spellings and homework in their orange homework books, to be tested 15.3.19. They should also have a copy of their shield design page for creating their actual shield, and criteria for making their shield. The finished design is due at school by 1st April (no earlier please).

Thank you.

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 week 9 spellings to be tested 15.3.19

Letter for Class 3B

Dear Parents,

Children in 3B should have received a letter today, which you should find in their homelink books.

If you have any questions, please speak to Mr Butler or Mrs Moody.

Thank you for your support,

Mr Butler.

Year 3 Spellings and homework for Friday 8th March

Dear Parents,

This week, children should continue to work on Times Tables Rock Stars. We would really appreciate it if you could let your children spend at least 10 mins per day on TTRS, to maximise its impact on their tables recall and accuracy. Thank you.

Please complete your reading (3x) weekly homework, and complete the English homework sheet set (see orange homework books).Please note: Children DO NOT NEED TO CREATE THEIR ROMAN SHIELD YET. We have not done the preliminary work in class for this, so would appreciate if you could not send them in, as we have nowhere to store them!

Thank you for your support,

The Year 3 Team.

Week 8 Spellings and Homework to be tested 8.3.19