The Greatest Football Team in the World Challenge! Answers!

Well done to all the Year 5 and Year 6 children who took part in this challenge the answer is below!  Watch this space for some more Stoke City themed questions!!

Mr M

Year 5 Home Learning – 18/01/21

Hi Year 5

Please find attached the home learning for Monday 18.01.21.

Tomorrows Teams

9-10am – 5L

10-11am – 5H

11-12pm – 5M

See you then

Miss H, Mr M and Mr L

Overview:   Home learning overview 18.01.21

Topic:  Topic 18.01.21 resource   &     Topic 18.01.21

English:  English 18.01.21    &    English Mae Jemison Biography 1 STAR     &          English Mae Jemison Biography

Reading:  Reading – Alien Isle Chapter 2     &    Reading 18.01.21 1 star    &          Reading 18.01.21 23 star

Maths:    Maths- Skills- 18.01.21


Mr M’s Greatest Football Team in the World Challenge

Hi Yr 5 and Yr 6!

Many of you know I’m a huge football fan – especially for the “Greatest Football Team in the World,” Stoke City!

Here is a Maths challenge I’d like you to do! Email your answers to me – I’ll be looking for the children with the best calculations to win a prize! Answers revealed on Monday!

Best of luck!

Mr M x

Year 5 Home Learning – 15.01.21

Hi Year 5

Please find attached the home learning for Friday 15.01.21.

Tomorrows Teams – Reading with your own Class Teacher

11-12pm – 5M

11-12pm – 5H

11-12pm – 5L

See you then

Miss H, Mr M and Mr L

Task Overview: Home learning overview 15.01.21

English:  English 15.01.21

Reading:  Chapter 2 Alien Isle

Maths: Maths 15.01.21

Foundation – Topic:    Topic-KWL-Grid

Year 5 Home Learning – 13/01/21

Hi Year 5

Please find attached the home learning for Wednesday 13.01.21.

Tomorrows Teams – Maths with Mr Lawson

9-10am – 5L

10-11am – 5H

11-12pm – 5M

See you then

Miss H, Mr M and Mr L

Task Overview: Home learning overview 13.01.21

English: English 13.01.21

Reading:  Reading 13.01.21

Maths: Maths- Fractions-live- 13.01.21

Foundation – Science: Science 1star      Science 2star     Science 3star                Science 1star resources


NJS Art whole school challenge

Hello NJS!

I hope you are all keeping well and busy during our current lockdown. I would just like to share two art challenges with you. Please feel free to have a go and e-mail your year groups or teachers your pictures once you have completed them. Enjoy everyone and take care 🙂

Art Challenge 1

Art Challenge 2

Year 5 confirmation of Teams lessons times

Good evening year 5 parents/carers,

Please note that the order of the Teams lessons for Mondays and Wednesdays has changed from the timetable given last week. Sorry for any confusion. Please follow your Teams invitation times, as shown below:

Monday and Wednesday maths with Mr Lawson:

5L 9.00am

5H 10.00am

5M 11.00am

Please see the attached latest timetable for all the Year 5 Teams lessons starting tomorrow. Please note that all year 5 classes have an 11.00am reading lesson on Friday with their own class teacher.

Hope everyone has had a restful and enjoyable weekend. We look forward to seeing you all virtually this week!

Love from Team Year 5 xxx

Year 5 Home learning – 11/01/21

Hi Year 5
Please find attached the home learning for Monday 11.01.21.
Tomorrows Teams
Maths with Mr Lawson
See you then
Miss H, Mr M and Mr L

Home Learning Task Overview: Home learning overview 11.01.21

Reading: Chapter 1 Alien Isle

Reading 1 star 11.01.21

Reading 2 and 3 star 11.01.21

English: English 11.01.21  &  New Year Poems

Maths: Maths- Skills – Multiply by 10 100 1000 11.01.21

Foundation:Science – Brainstorm E&Sp

Science – kwl