YR 5 Autumn Term Homework

Please find the Autumn Term homework for the Year 5 children in the links below.

We have provided the children with some Maths which follows the work the children are completing in class, the Spelling words which are key Year 5 words – with some ideas for how to learn them, Reading expectations and Egyptian related homework – this to last until Christmas. New spellings will be assigned after October half term.

Please support your child where necessary and please contact us directly if you need anything more.

We are impressed with how all the children have settled into Year 5 and are quickly picking up the new rules and routines and we hope you have all noticed this too?

Kindest regards

Team Year 5 (Mr M, Miss H and Mr Marsh)

Mrs M’s homework letter:  homework-letter

Year 5 Homework Plan:   Autumn 1st Half term

Egyptian Homework Ideas: Homework-Egyptians

Ideas to help children learn Spellings: KS2-Spelling-Menu Games

5H message

Hi 5H parents,

Please can children bring some food packaging/labels to school on Thursday. We will be learning about where in the world our food comes from. (Eg. yoghurt pot, lettuce packet, banana label, carrot bag etc.)

Many thanks,

Miss Hardy

Year 5 Topic Work Resources


As part of our topic “Enough for Everyone” we will be investigating Hydro Power. On Friday 14th May, the children will be making their own Hydro Power machine as part of renewable sources of energy.

To complete this each child will need to bring these items into school from home:

  • A clean milk or juice bottle
  • A piece of stiff cardboard
  • A cotton reel
  • 8 plastic teaspoons.

We have a number of other items needed which school will provide.

Please could every child have these items in school on Friday 14th May – this will enable every child to bring a Hydro Power machine home.

Thank you for your support

Team year 5 x

Yr 5 Stamp Design Homework

As part of our Art Curriculum we have entered our school to take part in the Royal Mail’s Heroes Stamp Design competition.

The link tells you all you need to know about the competition:  https://www.stampcompetition.ichild.co.uk/

So we can enter we would like the Yr 5 Designs back by Friday 7th May. So you only have 1 week!!!

We have entered Yr 5 into this competition and the prizes are amazing; 8 children will be selected for £1000 school vouchers as well as £500 and £100 vouchers too.

Below is an image of what the children will be bringing home to complete their design on.

Many thanks

Team Year 5 x

Self-care bingo

This has been a term of mixed emotions and hard work, especially for the children, and everybody deserves a well-earned rest! Here is a self-care bingo which is a great idea to encourage children to look after themselves and do things to make themselves feel good, even if they are staying at home!

Happy Easter everyone, well done for so much hard work and positivity this term!

Miss Hardy xxx

Self Care Bingo

Year 5 art message

Mrs Jones would like to finish this term’s weaving project in Art with some sewing practice with buttons. If any year 5s have any buttons which the children could use, please send them into school for next week. Thanks! X

Year 5 Home Learning – 05/03/21 #THELASTDAY!

Year 5 Home Learning – 05/03/21

Hi Year 5



Please find attached the home learning for Friday 05.03.21

Home Learning Overview:      Home learning overview

Maths:  Maths 5.2.21 fraction vocabulary

English:    English 5.3.21

PSHE: Live lesson at 9am for all 3 classes

Foundation: #Lesson Presentation Discovery and Learning HL   &   1star Activity Sheet Significant Islamic Scholars Comprehension    or    2star Activity Sheet Significant Islamic Scholars Comprehension    or    3star Activity Sheet Significant Islamic Scholars Comprehension

Todays Teams

ALL at 9am – PSHE social catch-up ready for School on Monday!!

See you then

Miss H, Mr M and Mr L

Year 5 Home Learning – 04/03/21

Year 5 Home Learning – 04/03/21

Hi Year 5

Please find attached the home learning for Thursday 04.03.21

Home Learning Overview:     Home learning overview 4.3.21

Maths:  Maths- 4.3.21 Fraction test

English:   English 4.3.21

Reading:  Reading – recipe template

Foundation: #Lesson Presentation Discovery and Learning HL  &   Activity Sheet Influence on Modern Medicine

Todays Teams

9am – 5H

10am – 5M

11am – 5L

See you then

Miss H, Mr M and Mr L