Revolting Rhymes

Class 6B have had a lot of fun today celebrating Roald Dahl day! We heard some of Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes and created some of our own, during our English lesson. We then performed our rhymes to the class.
Mr Rotherham kindly set up a Roald Dahl character treasure hunt in the playground, where we tried to find twelve Roald Dahl characters.

Class 6B

A great first week back by class 6B! We have started our English topic, looking at the book ‘Varmints’ and have enjoyed reading the text. We have begun to read the book ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ in our guided reading sessions, looking at key vocabulary within the text. We also had a fun PE lesson in the hall, using the apparatus.
Well done 6B!

Yr 6 Weekly Reminders

A few reminders of things happening this week for Yr 6 Children

Tuesday – SWIMMING. All children to have swimming kit, swimming hat, towel & goggles (if they wish)

Wednesday – HOMEWORK DUE IN. Please bring in your homework book by Wednesday morning.

Thursday – PE. All children to have PE kit, including trainers. T shirt should match house colour, or a plain white t-shirt.

Friday – LIBRARY. Children will have the opportunity to borrow or exchange a school library books.

We are looking forward to the first full week back for our new classes.

Monday 18th September 2023

If your Year 6 child will be taking the 11+ on Monday 18th September please can we ask that you email to inform them about your child’s attendance that day.

If your child is in the first session for the 11+ they can then return to school for the afternoon.  If your child is in the second session for the 11+ they can attend for school first and then be collected as required from the school office.

Please email with your plans for your child that day so we aren’t contacting you unnecessarily.

Thank you for your support,

Year 6 House Team Captain Voting – Friday Afternoon

A reminder that on Friday 8th, we will be holding our first House Team Meetings of the year. During these, the Year 6 children will be given the opportunity to stand for House Team Captain. 

We ask the children that want to put themselves forward prepare a short speech outlining the reasons as to why people should vote for them.

The winners, including vice captains, will be announced in assembly on Friday afternoon.

Year 6 – Welcome Back

The year 6 team are really looking forward to welcoming the children back to school on Wednesday. We hope you have enjoyed a rest over the summer break.

Just a gentle reminder that on Wednesday we are expecting the children to return to school with their pencil case, water bottle and P.E Kit. Children may also wish to bring a free choice reading book with them from home.

Each class has 1 PE session this week. With the hot weather being forecast, we advise bringing sun hats and sun cream.

During the next few days we will be sorting our roles such as Worship Leaders, School Council and House Team Captains – children may wish to begin thinking about a short speech they would like to deliver, if they feel confident enough to put themselves forward for any of these roles.

Enjoy your final few days off,

Year 6 Team.

Year 6 Thursday

Year 6 need to remember to meet us at church tomorrow morning. They also need a fabric pen for their shirt signing, a ‘bag for life’ to carry their books home and a change of clothing for their Leaver’s Party.

Yr 6 Bag for life reminder

A reminder that Yr 6 children need to bring a strong bag to school with them in order to take home their NJS books.

A bag for life would be perfect, equally a larger school bag would also work.

There will be a large number of books to carry so we don’t recommend thin plastic bags.

We will start sending books home tomorrow for those children that have their bags.

Thank you.

Leavers Day REMINDER!

Thursday 20th July will be ‘Year 6 Leavers Day’ with a range of activities planned for Year 6 to mark their last week at NJS.

The day will run as follows:

9am: Leavers Church Service at St Nicholas’ Church.  This is a whole school service. Year 6 parents and carers only are able to attend and we ask that this is limited to a maximum of 2 per Year 6 pupil.

Back in school the children will have the opportunity to have their shirts signed!  Please send the children with a spare item of NJS uniform that you are happy for them to have signed by staff and friends.  Please can children bring a Sharpie or other appropriate pen for them to be able to do this (they will not be able to use school stationery).

Leavers Lunch: Year 6 will be deciding the lunch menu with the catering team!   This menu will apply to the whole school:

Year 6 have chosen the Leavers Lunch for Thursday 20th July.

This will be the lunch served to the whole school on that day, not just Year 6.

Hot Dogs and rolls


Baked Beans


Quorn Sausages for vegetarians


Tomato and BBQ Sauce


Shortbread Biscuits

Ice Cream – Flake / Sauce and Sprinkles

3.30-5pm: Leavers Party! All Year 6 pupils are invited to a Leavers Party with the NJS staff team.  The children can bring a change of clothing (this should include trainers and comfortable clothing) for this party.  The children will take part in activities they have chosen with staff members and then be treated to chips and ice cream for a party tea!

Hawaiian themed leaver’s party

Thursday is the leaver’s party for year 6, from 3:30pm until 5pm. Your child is welcome to bring in bright clothing to get changed into after school. If you have any photo booth props or Hawaiian themed props could we please borrow them for the afternoon?
Many thanks,
Year 6