Home Learning 12.02.21

Nearly there!

Online lessons today are with Miss S. We are looking at Chinese New Year celebrations
chinese new year children copy

6K at 9am
6J at 10am
6S at 11am

Free Write Friday

Friday 12.02.21

lesson 5 the eye
The Human Eye

12.02.21 If poem
12.02.21 If questions
12.02.21 If answers

The Y6 Team would like to wish all the children and their families a Happy Half Term! X

Home Learning 11.02.21

Happy Thursday!

Online lessons are with Mrs K. You are completing another e-safety lesson.
Beyond Gender Stereotypes – Lesson Slides
Beyond Gender Stereotypes – _Just Because_ Poem Student Handout
Beyond Gender Stereotypes – Stereotype Avatar Student Handout

6J at 9am
6S at 10am
6K at 11am

thursday 11.02.21

Thursday maths 11.02.21

11.02.21 reading text
11.02.21 reading questions
11.02.21 reading answers

I hope you are recording your fitness challenge!

Y6 Team x

Big Sing Workshop Number 3

Hello NJS!

Here is the next Big Sing workshop for you – No Matter What.

I would love to hear how you are getting on with the songs, feel free to email me any messages, photos or videos to megan.hardy@taw.org.uk!

Keep you eyes on the website later this week as we have a very exciting opportunity to announce for those of you who enjoy singing and performing…

Take care everyone,

Miss Hardy x

Safer Internet Day 2021 resources – Helping your child online

Dear Parents,

Attached are several resources from the day’s lessons in Year 3, plus some extra resources which may be suitable for all years, from Childnet.org, which can be accessed here:

Parents and carers – Childnet



Kind regards,

Mr Butler