Manor Adventure Assembly

Wednesday at 3pm children who went to Manor Adventure will be sharing some photos and tales of their adventure.  Parents are welcome to attend.

Thank you again to the wonderful staff who supported this visit and parents for their support.

Swimming Gala – Green and Blue

The children’s swimming gala will be held at Newport Swimming Pool on Thursday 16th May at 2pm. Parents are welcome to spectate and we would advise arriving no earlier than 1:45.

The children are able to go home with a parent or carer after the gala.

More details will be announced nearer the time.

Swimming Gala – Red and Yellow

The children’s swimming gala will be held at Newport Swimming Pool on Thursday 2nd May at 2pm. Parents are welcome to spectate and we would advise arriving no earlier than 1:45.

The children are able to go home with a parent or carer after the gala.

More details will be announced nearer the time.


For homework this week and over the Easter holidays, can the children produce an A4 poster highlighting an aspect of rivers. This is our summer term topic.

This could be:

Rivers of England

Rivers of the World

Parts of a river

How a river is formed

Pollution of a river

This will be due into school Monday 29th April or Tuesday 30th of April.

Manor Adventure – Tomorrow

Team Manor Adventure are having a great time, the children have been super.

Tomorrow, around 2pm you should receive a text message to confirm their return time to school – please look out for it and share the information with your friends!

Thank you so, so much to the incredible staff for supporting this visit: Mr Moody, Mr Lawson, Miss Jones, Mr Parker, Mr Higgins, Miss Adleigh and Mr Pettet.