Year 5 TTRS Challenge

Dear Parents & Guardians,

 The Year 5 team have set up a TTRS battle for the children to participate in over half term. Please join in as much as you can. The winning class will be rewarded after half term.


Year 5 Parents Meetings

Between 1pm and 4pm representatives from our local secondary schools will be available in our school hall.  If you are attending an in person meeting you of course will have the opportunity to meet and talk to them.

If you are attending a TEAMS meeting in the morning I wanted to make you aware the secondary schools would be in the hall during the afternoon and you are of course welcomed to come into the hall to talk to them anytime between 1pm and 4pm.

5M Reminders

Monday – Harvest Assembly 9am.

Tuesday – P. E PM with Miss Robson will be OUTDOORS due to the hall being in use for Y4 Parents Meetings.

Wednesday – Y5 Parents Meetings. Phone calls and Teams Meetings in the morning and in-person chats in the afternoon.

Thursday – P. E PM OUTDOORS due to Y6 Parents Meetings in the hall.

Friday – Black History Workshop AM and PTA Film PM. Mufti Day for children and children can also bring in a comfort blanket, cushion or teddy for the afternoon. I will be moving tables in the classroom during lunch.

Quidditch Cancelled

Just a quick note to say that the Quidditch taster on Tuesday at Telford Tennis Centre has been cancelled due to venue availability. It will be rescheduled for later in the school year however.

Y5 Parents Day

Thanks very much for all the parents and carers who have filled out their requests for Y5 Parents’ Day next Wednesday (and those who have contacted us for an alternative date). If you are unsure of your time or still need to arrange an appointment, please email your child’s class teacher directly with your preferences and we will get back to you with a time.

The format of the day is similar to last year. 9-12am will be Teams or phone call appointments and 1-4pm will be Face to Face appointments in the Hall. We can also accommodate other dates if this Wednesday is inconvenient.




5M Reminders Next Week

Tuesday – P.E. kit as it gymnastics as normal with Miss Robson and myself.

Wednesday – Protected Characteristics Assembly 9am.

Thursday – Library time for the children to return their library book and choose a new one. Homework handed in.

Friday – Be Bright, Be Seen Walk from Shuker Field. I will be joining Friday morning for the walk. 5M will be completing all Protected Characteristics Day work on Friday due to my PPA on Wednesday.