6K What a fabulous day at Love2stay!

The assault course was a real splash!

6J AMAZING Day at Love2Stay

What an absolutely phenomenal day 6J had yesterday – we LOVED our class visit to Love2Stay in Shrewsbury! The activities were amazing and ALL the children were fantastic! Here are a selection of photos – more to follow!

6K Love2stay

Just a reminder – 6K need to be in school tomorrow for 8.15 for the trip. Remember to bring your packed lunch, towel and change of clothes with you. The coach is due back at school at 4.15pm.

6J Love to Stay Reminder

Reminder for 6J on Monday

– Be at school for no later than 8.20am on Monday (ideally be here for 8.15am so you are ready!!)

– Arrive at school in your ‘dry outdoor clothes’

– Bring with you a change of clothes for your wet activities (think beach wear, avoid baggy items as these won’t be suitable for the water)

– You will need to bring your own towel, plus a change of footwear (old trainers or wet suit shoes are fine) and a bag to put your wet clothes back into

– Bring a packed lunch (you may want a bit extra for energy) If you are having a school meal this will have been arranged.

– We are expected back at school around 4.30pm



Tie dye t-shirts.

In the summer term, the children are given the opportunity to tie dye a t-shirt as part of their DT project in the last few weeks of Year 6. We are planning to do the same project this year and need them to bring in a white t-shirt by next Monday (5th July) so that they can stand in quarantine before we use them.

Please ensure your child’s name is written clearly on the label.

Year 6 photo competition

Just a gentle reminder to anyone who hasn’t yet sent in their Chetwynd photo entry, please send them to the class teacher by Wednesday 16th June for them to be entered into the competition.



Just a reminder, year 6 will be swimming on Monday this week.
Don’t forget your kit.