Year 6 Home Learning Thursday 7th

Hi Year 6

Here are your home learning slides for English.Thursday slides

Here are your maths slides for today: this is all about art in maths. Looking at some famous artists, impossible drawings and getting you to have a go at creating your own piece of art work linked to maths. Think about the shape, angles and patterns you can spot.
drawing_impossible_objects thursday
Shape in Art thursday (instructions on this one)

Your teacher would love to see any of your art work that you wanted to share.

Stay Safe.

Year 6 Home Learning Tuesday 5th May

Good afternoon Y6
Tuesday slides

Here is your next set of home learning – maths is all about money today!

Remember to send in your favourite maths jokes to Mr J at and I will share a selection of them later on in the week.

Stay safe,

Y6 team

Year 6 Home Learning Monday 4th May

Hello Year 6,
Monday slides

We hope that you are keeping safe during this lock down, and as many of you as possible are accessing the home learning tasks.

We hope you have a wonderful week,

Y6 Team.

Weighing at home

Seb and Lucas enjoying weighing at home!

Year 6 Home Learning Friday 1st May

Hello year 6,

friday slides

Here is your final home learning task of the week.

Remember that the TTRS battle finishes tonight at 18:00 – the boys are still in the lead!

I will do a final post about the battle this evening to reveal the results and who has earned the most coins.

Keep safe,

Mr J

Year 6 TTRS Battle


After being thoroughly humiliated all week, loosing by almost double, the Year 6 boys are now beating the Year 6 girls!

Boys: 23,244 v Girls: 22,026

What an incredible effort by the boys over the last 24 hours to claw their way back from what looked to be a certain defeat.

You should ALL be so proud of your efforts in helping out your team – they are both amazing scores!

Top Boy – Nolan Hull (6J) 7,564 points

Top Girl – Annie Murphy (6S) 7,030 points

Just a reminder that this battle will finish at 18:00 tomorrow! This is going to be very, very close!

Mr J