Online Safety Monthly update – Parents page

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the latest NJS Online Safety update – I have prepared a plethora of links to helpful pages for your perusal!

ParentZone – what would schools normally be telling children about Online Safety?

CEOP Parents advice page

The following link should take you to the CEOP website, and offers an explanation of the CEOP Online Safety for children materials and what they are about. I urge you to watch the whole video, as it also explains the sort of things children are doing online now and what to watch for, or where to find advice if you’re worried:

Online safety Videos for parents

The next series of links go to a range of Online Safety activities for children to complete, with each one taking no more than 15-30 minutes. A few of the activities may be better printed, but you can always copy the text or try to adapt them, or use them visually. Find a way!

The first link is aimed at KS1, but may be of use for ‘younger’ year 3 children:

Suitable for Years 1-3:  Online Safety activities for 5-7 year-olds

The following activities are suitable for most children at KS2:

Suitable for Years 3, 4 and 5: Online Safety activities for 8-10 year-olds

The following link is aimed at children who are transitioning Primary/Secondary school, or are already at Secondary school. As with all the materials, I strongly recommend that you watch / examine all the materials for suitability for your children, as some children may not be at the same stages of social media use, so the following link may be less relevant / suitable for your child. You know your children best!

Suitable for Year 6+ only:   Online Safety activities for 11-13 year-olds

If you have any questions, please email me at


Mr Butler

Year 3 English Experts!

Super efforts from Year 3, who were tasked with writing a piece about their choice for a class mascot.

This piece is by Ella – very persuasive!

And these are from a Top Trumps challenge where children had to create a Climate / recycling / environmental character from junk / recycled items.

Well done to Charlotte, who created this:

And super try from her sister, Georgia, who made this:

Great work all of you. Keep trying hard.


Mr B

Year 3 Science work Superstars!

Well done to all the children below, for their excellent efforts at home, producing some really thoughtful, detailed flower diagrams for Science.

Well done Ella for this flower drawing – great colour detail in the head of the flower!

Great work Harry – some super detail in your explanations and nice use of a real flower!

Very precise drawing here from Marcy:

And finally, a great drawing with super labelling and explanation from Alex:

Well done, and keep trying hard!


Mr B.

NJS Online Safety monthly newsletter

Dear Parents,

Welcome to NJS’s first Online Safety newsletter!

Word version:

Online Safety Newsletter May 2020_Newport

PDF version:


This is a monthly publication we have subscribed to, which will highlight local and national online safety advice, concerns and changes.

We hope you can find time to read some of the key points, particularly the advice regarding the recent, huge increase in home internet use, video-calling and online learning.


Mr Butler


Which apps / software should I let my children use?

Dear Parents,

If, like me, you have struggled at some point to decide which apps your children should or should not access online, or which apps or software are age appropriate, then this handy guide will help. It contains a range of information about most of the popular apps and sites currently used, including Houseparty, Zoom, Netflix Party, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Clash of Clans, Nintendo Switch, plus all the using social media apps.

The site also contains a host of materials designed to address current concerns you may have about online safety. ParentZone also produces a regular newsletter, which is worth signing up for if you would like to keep ahead of current or trending online safety issues.

So give it a go – it really is very informative and useful!

Kind regards,

Mr Butler