Wednesday Home Learning!

Hello year 6!

Please find Wednesday’s home learning attached! Again, I have popped the PDF and powerpoint versions on here for you. Remember you can e-mail any questions or send any work to

With the maths, always try as many as you can to feel confident! 

Enjoy your day! Stay safe!

Miss Jones x

Week 1 Wednesday Slides PDF

Week 1 Wednesday Slides

Tuesday Home Learning!

Good afternoon Year 6!

It is Miss Jones here! I will be taking over the year 6 home learning from this week. If you have any questions or would like to share anything you do please e-mail:

I will be attaching the work in two formats… PDF and powerpoint. Hopefully they will both work! I will also add any extra resources or activities you may need but this won’t be every day.

Week 1 Tuesday Slides PDF

Week 1 Tuesday Slides

Tuesday – Pentecost Activity

I hope you all have a lovely week! Stay safe!

Miss Jones x

4J Parents

As some of you may be aware, I have been contacting you to see how the children are and have a quick catch up. Please be assured that I will try to contact any that I have missed next week (Monday or Tuesday).

It has been wonderful speaking to so many of you and hearing about your exciting activities! Remember you can e-mail anything you wish to share.

Have a lovely weekend! Stay safe!

Miss J x

Hello 4J!

Hello 4J!

It has been lovely to speak to you about what you are getting up to at home! A few parents have requested my e-mail address so I will attach it to this message.

Feel free to send me anything you are getting up to whilst you are at home.

Stay safe!

Miss Jones
