Yr 6 Shrewsbury Visit TOMORROW

Just a reminder that Yr 6 will be on their visit to Shrewsbury tomorrow. This is part of our History work on The Tudor Dynasty; Mr Rotherham will be leading a guided tour looking at Tudor architecture, trade in the Tudor times and sites of relevance during the Tudor period such as Shrewsbury Abbey.

Can we remind children that it is school uniform however we do recommend wearing comfortable footwear as we will be doing a lot of walking. This could be walking boots or trainers.

We also recommend brining a disposable packed lunch that can be thrown away during the day. If your child is having a school lunch, this will be in a paper bag which can be discarded once eaten.


Friday 24th – Wear Blue 4 a Loo

A reminder that all children are invited to wear BLUE clothing for a £1 donation tomorrow.

This is to support our efforts in raising money for Toilet Twinning – an official campaign to hep twin our NJS toilets with countries without access to toilet blocks or clean water.

Children are welcome to wear as much or as little blue as they like, and can bring blue wigs etc should they have them available.

Thank you for your support.

Global Avengers.



Yr 6 – Break Time Snack Reminder

Can we please remind parents that break time snacks are not to be placed in lunchboxes. We currently have children accessing lunchboxes every break time to get their snack; these should be in bags or on the desk where they can be accessed easily.

We have recently had food go missing from lunchboxes and as a result will be storing the lunch box trolley out of bounds for the children until lunchtime. This measure is to ensure that children are not accessing food from a lunch box which does not belong to them.

Break time snacks should be a healthy option as outlined in our Healthy Eating Policy.

Many thanks.

Yr 6 Leavers’ Hoodie Letter

Please can we ask parents to return the size and name information for the Yr 6 leavers’ hoodies as soon as possible.

The letter, which has gone home today, provides guidelines for sizing and a space to chose the lettering to be printed.

We are aware the date for return on the letter states Monday 20th, Mr J held onto them for a bit too long!

We ask that these are returned as soon as they are filled in.

If you have any questions regarding these hoodies then please speak to a member of the NJS PTA or Yr 6 team.

Thank you.

Year 6: SAT Week Breakfast Club

Year 6 parents and carers,

At our recent Year 6 parent workshop we explained that during SAT week we run a very popular breakfast club!  Attached to this message is a letter explaining this offer and a paper copy will also be coming home with your child.

Please can you return your child’s slip to school as soon as possible.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs M

breakfast club letter

Yr 6 Shrewsbury Visit – PERMISSON NEEDED

Please can we ask parents/carers of Yr 6 children to ensure they have granted permission for our upcoming visit to Shrewsbury on Monday 27th March.

So far only 44 of the 90 children have been given permission. Please access Parent Pay to grant permission. If you have any questions, please speak to a member of the Yr 6 team.