London Updates – Social Media

For any parents of children visiting London this week, please make sure you are following our social media pages for regular updates. These will be posted on Facebook, X (Twitter) and the school website.

School Twitter page:

School Facebook page:

School Website Yr 6:

6J Beech’s Base TOMORROW

A reminder for 6J that we are in Beech’s Base tomorrow – Tuesday 11th!

Children are welcome to come to school in their forest clothing, and bring a change of clothes with them if they want to.

Miss Lockwood is really looking forward to working with you!


Yr 6 Photography Entries Needed

Please can we ask that anyone who took their own camera to the Deer Park yesterday, emails their chosen entry to Mr J ASAP!

Please send your image to:

Remember, this should be one single image, with the name of the children clearly stated.

If you experience any issues with doing this, you are welcome to bring it in to school and a member of staff should be able to help.

Yr 6 Red & Blue Swimming Gala

A reminder for those children in RED & BLUE house that your swimming gala is taking place tomorrow at Newport Pool. Parents are welcome to attend as spectators. We are aiming to begin the gala at 2pm and we will then walk back to school. Parents who are attending are welcome to collect children from the pool or back at school.

Yr 6 Reminders

Few reminders for Yr 6 children:

Photography workshop tomorrow – forest school clothing. See further website post for more info.

Swimming is every Tuesday this half term, please ensure you have swimming kit in school on Tuesdays.

Yr 6 swimming gala for Blue & Red house on Thursday.

6J Beech’s Base on Tuesday 11th June.

Year 6 photography trip

A reminder that year 6 are going to Chetwynd Deer Park tomorrow (Wednesday 5th June). They will need to wear comfortable, weather appropriate forest school clothes. They will also need access to a camera. Lunch will be as normal at lunch time.


Year 6

Year 6 reminders

We have a busy term coming up, swimming galas, sports day, Chetwynd photography workshop and transition events.

Week beginning 3rd June reminders:

PE kits to be in all week please.

6K have swimming and Beech’s base scheduled for Tuesday so remember your kits!

All Year 6 – Cameras and sensible walking shoes for your photography trip to the deer park.

Red and Blue house swimming gala.


6B Beech’s Base

Class 6B had a wonderful afternoon with Miss Lockwood yesterday. We have been doing ‘Theme Park’ maths in class this week and the children had a go at designing and building their own rollercoaster. Well done 6B and thank you Miss Lockwood!