Cricket in 3PW

Today 3PW have been very lucky and have attended a cricket session ran by Newport Cricket Club and Shropshire Cricket. The children have absolutely LOVED playing cricket and they have had a great time. Lots of runs and the batting was incredible! It was so lovely to see the children so involved and having such a great time!

Missing uniform 3PW!

3PW need your help!

We seem to be missing a named pair of boys shorts (we have a named pair of shorts in the classroom to swap) after swimming this week and a named girls cardigan.

Please could you check all the uniform that has been brought home this week and return any additional items to school.

Thank you for your help in reuniting the lost clothing!

Mrs P x

Yr 6 Summer Fayre Reminder

Children must bring in anything they need for their summer fayre stall tomorrow. Anything that is brought in will be the responsibility of the child.

The children have worked very hard on their stalls and are very excited to share them with parents. We hope you get chance to visit all the stalls on offer.

Please see Mr Rotherham’s previous posts regarding Summer Fayre for the full information.

Yr 6 Sports Day Reminder

Please can we remind children to come to school in Sports Day kit tomorrow. This should be a plain t shirt in the colour of your house team.

We also advise bringing sun cream, a sun hat and plenty of water.

Parents are welcome to bring their own chairs to sit on.

We are really looking forward to putting on the children’s last ever sports day at NJS!