Y5 P.E Schedule Spring 2

For the first week back only, Swimming will be on a Tuesday. For the remainder of the half term, it will be on a Monday.

Monday – Y5 Swimming

Tuesday – Y5 P.E.

5M’s new date for their Forest Afternoon will be Friday 1st March. This has been changed due to an earlier date clash.




Yr 6 Tudor Visit – Letter Home

Children in Yr 6 will be bringing home a letter today with information regarding our upcoming visit to Shrewsbury. This visit is built into our History curriculum work. Permission should be given via Parent Pay and we ask for a voluntary contribution to ensure the visit can go ahead.

If you have any questions regarding this trip, please contact your child’s class teacher. A copy of the letter is attached to this post.

Shrewsbury Tudor 24

Thankyou 3T

A huge thankyou to all parents/children of 3T for all your kind words this week. They have truly been appreciated! They are a great class and one I have loved teaching.

I’m sure you will all agree, they look incredible as mini Mr Tipton’s! 🙂