4N Beech’s Base Reminder

A reminder for parents/carers of children in 4N.

Tomorrow, we will be spending the whole afternoon outside at Beech’s Base.

  • Your child can attend school in their own clothes.
  • Please ensure that clothing is nice and warm but try and choose older clothing (or things that you don’t mind them getting wet/muddy/both!)
  • Please can children wear clean shoes/trainers for in school and have their wellies/boots with them to wear to and from Beech’s Base.
  • Gloves and a hat would be advisable as it is forecast to be quite windy tomorrow!
  •  If you have toilet roll/kitchen roll tubes – please send them in 🙂


Tomorrow afternoon 3T will be tasting and evaluation different breads as part of their product research in DT.

The children will taste 3 of the following breads:

Either:  White crusty roll or Soft white bread

Either: Brown soft loaf or Crusty malted loaf

Either: Gluten free bread or Sourdough bread

All allergies have been considered however if you have any questions regarding please email me on: ben.tipton1@taw.org.uk


Mr Tipton

6J reach 10 class stars!

Having reached 10 class stars, 6J will have a film on the afternoon of Friday 2nd February. Children do not need to bring anything in, Mr J will provide some drinks and snacks to have with the film.

If your child has any specific allergies, and you would prefer to send a snack of your own choosing, then please feel free.



Dear Parents/carers

As you are aware, we are busy prepping for our wax work museum next week! The children are beginning to look at how they would like to present their findings on a larger scale.

If you have any large pieces of cardboard, please could you send some into school with your child/children. This will help make the displays/posters more secure and ready for presenting next to them at the museum!

The bigger the better.

Many thanks,

The Year 4 team!

Yr 6 Homework

Homework due in by Wednesday 31st January.

  1. Complete spellings and paragraph containing the words in context.
  2. Complete angles worksheet – this follows on from our work on angles in class. For more support on angles please see the following link:  https://www.mathsisfun.com/geometry/degrees.html
  3. Research Wax Work inspirational person. Children have been asked to research and find out information about their chosen inspiration. This will support our literacy work this week where we will be writing a biography.

As ever, please present your homework to a high standard and ensure it is with your class teacher before the deadline.