Yr 4 Beech’s Base Request

As our Beech’s Base for this half term are coming up over the next two weeks, Miss Lockwood has requested that the children start to save toilet/kitchen roll tubes for this half terms Beech’s Base project.
Ideally they will each need two of equal length.

Thank you for your support

Team Yr 4

Year 3 Waxwork Museum information

Dear Parents and Carers,

Hopefully by now, you have already discussed with your child which inspirational figure they are going to dress up as, for the Waxwork Museum day in February, and shared this via the reply slip with your child’s class teacher.

Also, if you have not done so yet, please find time to encourage / assist your child to look up and take notes about their chosen person’s life and achievements, to bring in for Monday’s lessons. This work will form part of our curricular offer next week during English, and should give them a head start in their project.

Finally, if you are able to, please source a large piece of card, ideally about 60cm to 100cm max in size, square or rectangular, which they can use to mount their written outcomes on for display on the day of the museum show. This can be stationary quality, or simply cardboard box quality – it’s your decision. (The examples below are rather large…they don’t have to be like this!)

As always, please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions about this event.

Thank you so much for your support,

The Year 3 Team


Egyptian Day Year 3

Year 3 and all the staff enjoyed a brilliant day with ‘The History Man’, who took us on a comprehensive guided tour of Egyptian life, styles, sculpture, games, food, pastimes, art, culture and fun!

Thank you to all those who put time and effort into organising costumes for their children – they really seemed to enjoy to activities and as always, learn so much from experiences such as this.

Yr 6 Lost Property

We have a very large amount of lost property in the Yr 6 corridor. Please can we ask that you remind children to check here for any lost PE Kits, Swimming kits, trainers, jumpers, coats, lunchboxes etc. Anything that has a name in it will be handed out this week.

Anything that is still remaining here by Friday will be sent to the main school lost property area.


6J Guided Reading – Making powerpoints

As part of our final lesson in Guided Reading, 6J were tasked with creating an information powerpoint explaining all about parkour/free running which was the main theme in our recent book: Jump by Ann Evans.

The children really enjoyed using the laptops to research information and learned a lot about how to present information in an appealing fashion.

Mr J was very impressed with their hard work and attitude toward this lesson! Well done 6J!

Yr 4 Manor Adventure Residential Meeting

On Wednesday 24th January at 3.20pm in the school hall, is the Yr 4 Manor Adventure Residential meeting for parents.
At this meeting you will find all the information necessary for a successful trip, including the activities, dormitory information, kits list and behavioural contracts. Medical forms have already been completed via your ParentPay accounts.

All information shared will be made available later in the week via the school website.


Mr M